- High Performance Engine Builder Tooling and Harmonic Dampers

Rod Bolt Stretch Gauge

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BHJ Rod Bolt Stretch Gauge

Part No: RBG-1

It has long been recognized that the correct method of tightening connecting rod bolts is to torque them tight enough to stress them to their ultimate strength, but not beyond. Any rod bolt manufacturer will admit that this ideal torque value may vary 10 ft./ lbs. from batch to batch of bolts due to variations in materials and heat treatment.

Since the objective of torquing a bolt to a specific tightness is to pre-stress or stretch the bolt a pre-determined amount, why not put away the torque wrench and measure only the stretch? The RBG-1 Rod Bolt Stretch Gauge has been designed to bring the bolts to their ultimate strength, ensuring engine builders that they are tightening the connecting rod bolts precisely.

The RBG-1 is a precision instrument made with a heat-treated aluminum frame. A specially modified, quality dial indicator with sufficient spring tension to hold it firmly to the ends of the rod bolt is included. The indicator can be turned for right hand or left hand operation, and the lower anvil is adjustable to fit bolts of various lengths.

All rod bolt manufacturers have precise stretch figures readily available. The specific stretch values do change; therefore we suggest that current specs be obtained with each set of bolts used.

Contact us for tech and pricing.

  • Part Number: RBG-1
  • Manufactured by: BHJ Products

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