- High Performance Engine Builder Tooling and Harmonic Dampers

Deck Height Caliper

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BHJ DHC-1 Deck Height Caliper

Part No: DHC-1

Quick and accurate deck height checks are a snap with the DHC-1 Deck Height Caliper.

Precision stainless steel anvils, with a high-quality, 12 inch/300 mm digital caliper add up to a simple, accurate and lightning-fast way to verify deck height, to within .0010"/.0254mm, with the high level of repeatability you expect from BHJ.

No need to set-up a block in the surfacer to get an accurate deck-height reading — Simply pick-up the main saddle and deck surface from either end of the block, or run it through a cylinder bore.

BHJ Deck Height Caliper Features
Wide Deck Anvil
BHJ Deck Height Caliper Features
Tight Radius Anvil

The radius anvil at the far end centers quickly on any main saddle and the wide-face, flat deck anvil is easy to square-up on the deck surface. Thickness of the two anvils combine to 1.00", thus allowing measurements up to 11.0" to be made (simply calculate main housing radius to determine total deck height).

Here's a one-minute video overview:

Customer reviews call the DHC-1 "Deadly Accurate", "Absolutely Spot-On" and "Great when I need to order pistons".

The BHJ DHC-1 Deck Height Caliper includes an instruction sheet and a foam-padded storage case.

** Anvils are also available separately, to be used with an existing caliper set — (Maximum caliper jaw thickness .215").

Click Here To Download Instructions

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  • Part Number: DHC-1
  • Manufactured by: BHJ Products

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